Tuesday, February 14, 2017

National Donor Day #NationalDonorDay

Observed each year on February 14th, National Donor Day (also known as National Organ Donor Day) is a day to increase awareness about organ donation and the lives that can be saved. In the United States, there are more than 120,000 people waiting for a life-saving organ donation. Give the gift of Life.

National Donor Day focuses on 5 different types of donations: Organs – Tissues – Marrow – Platelets – Blood.

Many nonprofit health organizations sponsor blood and marrow drives and organ/tissue sign-ups across the nation. Approximately every two seconds, there is someone in the U.S. who needs blood, which translates to the need for over 41,000 daily donations.

Look into becoming a donor. Visit donatelifenw.org and organdonor.gov for more information on organ donation.


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