The emotions expressed in classic emoticons combine with Internet kitty pics to create the most adorable and hilarious stickers ever.
Every so often, like the aligning of distant planets, two incredibly popular Internet memes come together to create something very special. This is one of those times. With 20 pages of full-color, peel-and-stick images, Emoticat Stickers offers the most comprehensive collection of emoticons-meets-Internet cats in the history of the world.
In this booklet of fun times and silly messages, adorable cats offer you the chance to express your deepest emotions exactly as you've always wanted to - through expressive feline adhesives. Did a student ace that midterm? Stick on a "winky-faced Scottish Fold." Sending a best friend a heartfelt apology? Enhance it with a "frowning tabby" or "apologetic Ragamuffin." Mailing out thank you cards? Why not punch them up with a "smiling Siamese" couple?
Each page offers dozens of remarkably expressive cats, featured in sizes big and small; perfect for just about any occasion that could use a cat sticker or two to get the point across.
Cover Art features beautiful, hand-illustrated posters to tear out, frame and hang in your bedroom, living room, dorm room or board room. Offering pre-sized prints that fit 8x10 frames and mattes with 5" × 7" openings, the classics include:
•Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
•Grimms' Fairy Tales
•The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
•Anna Karenina
•Leaves Of Grass
•Little Women
•Moby Dick
•The Metamorphosis
•The Odyssey
•Pride & Prejudice
•The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
There's nothing so heartwarming as receiving a thoughtful card from a lover, friend or family member. But the moment is even more memorable when the card has a personalized touch. Don't Quit Your Day Dream serves up a wonderful collection of cards that are appropriate for any occasion (or no occasion) with the unique twist of being intentionally left unfinished. Each card presents its design as an open black-and-white line drawing set on a matte cardstock - perfect for adding anything from color pencil and pen to watercolor and guache.
Everyone messes up sometime. That's easy. It's the apologizing that's hard. Why not avoid that awkward conversation by letting an adorable pug say sorry in a cheeky yet heartfelt card. In Apuglogies, each card-stock page pictures a charming, sorry-looking pug and an apology suitable for any occasion. Perfect for family, friends, coworkers, and strangers alike, each card also has space on the back to add a personal note. With these little helpers, saying sorry has never been so simple (nor so warm and fuzzy!). Missed that special someone’s birthday? Spilled wine on the neighbor’s couch? Forgot everything that happened last night? Neglected to take out the trash for the hundredth time? Don’t fret, apologize with a pug card and watch it save the day.

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