Saturday, June 16, 2012

Linwoods Super Foods

Linwoods Healthy Super Foods may help maintain a healthy heart, boost your energy and support a well-balanced diet and active lifestyle. The blends are bursting with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals needed to support a well-balanced diet and active lifestyle. Only the finest quality seeds, berries, nuts, and cocoa are sourced from around the world to produce the natural, tasty, and nutritious Super Foods to help you feel great from within. Here are just some of the benefits you can reap from Linwoods Healthy Super Foods: •Bundles of energy •Lower cholesterol •Improved immune system •Decreased risk of heart disease •Good source of protein. They’re not called Super Foods for nothing!
I received two of the super foods to try! Milled Flaxseed, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Almonds & Q10: A daily 30g serving provides 30mg of Q10. Contains Vitamin E which plays a role in the ongoing production of CoQ10 in the body. A source of Omega 3, 6 & 9. A rich source of Selenium & Magnesium, 5.4g of fibre.
Shelled Organic Hemp: Hemp is very high in Iron, Magnesium and Protein. Two dessert spoonfuls per day provides 49% of the RDA of Magnesium and 21% of the RDA of Iron for healthy blood, bone,s and teeth, muscle and nerve function. Hemp is also a source of dietary fibre and Vitamin E – a highly effective anti-oxidant.

I added both of these products (not together) into my cooking and baking, and the taste never changed. But I knew my family was getting some good healthy nutrients into their bodies, and that is what made all the meals more enjoyable! A simple way to get Super Foods into your daily routine!

Check it all out at Linwoods Superfoods on Facebook, as well as Linwoods on Twitter.
I received products from Linwoods Foods and Christie Communications in exchange for a review on my blog. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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