Monday, December 5, 2011

Romance Killers

Romance Killers by Ali Bierman

About The Book:
People enter into relationships for reasons completely out of their conscious awareness then wonder what went wrong. Attraction based on physical appearance, common interests, likes and dislikes rarely lead to lasting fulfilling relationships. What people do not know hurts them every time. Discover the top 7 mistakes that kill all chances for romantic relationships and what actions to take instead.

My Thoughts:
I am not looking for love, because I have found it. But if you are still looking for love, then this is the book to get. It is a simple easy read, with valid points to help you in your relationships. This book can be helpful for advice outside of love as well. It helps you bulk up on your communication skills, among other things. A great little guide every young woman should have!

About The Author:
Hi. I am Ali Bierman . What do I do and why do I do it? I show you exactly how to have amazing relationships and completely change your life. How do I do that? I know a lot about you that you probably don’t know yourself. I use what I synthesized in my life experiences as a psychotherapist, specialized kinesiologist, metaphysical minister, author, teacher and family member. Whoa! That’s a lot of knowing to have, don’t you think? Well, as a life long learner I continue to grow so you get to benefit from the newsiest information and techniques that I continue to add to my tool box. Hey, when the only tool in your box is a hammer the whole world starts to look like a nail, yes? Well, let’s say I have a two-tiered very full toolbox that works for lots for different kinds of people living lots of different kinds of problems. To learn more visit How To Have Amazing Relationships.

Buy this book at Romance Killers on Amazon.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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