Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Society Of The Seasonal Secretkeepers #2016NewYearNewProducts

With the holiday season past, I am sure some parents had some comments from their kiddos such as "Does Santa really exist?" Callan questioned it, and we were not quite ready to answer him. So we diverted the situation. But The Society of Seasonal Secretkeepers has a gift set that helps children come to terms with the the “true existence” of The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus. With the right perspective, this truth can be a moment to cherish. Often when children find out, they become upset or distrusting and often spoil this truth to younger children.
The Society of Seasonal Secretkeepers was created to help children come to terms and shine a new light on this by becoming a part of a secret society. The set includes a token, as an induction into the secret society, and field guide that’s full of encouragement, fun ideas, creative prompts. It’ll also helps kids understand the responsibility of guarding The Truth for younger kids. The guide is broken into 4 sections. First, new "Agents" are inducted into the Secret Society. Then, they explore their own family traditions and beliefs in the Book of Ancient Secrets. Agents then go through Agent Training, a series of fun, upbeat activities before finally completing five secret missions. This is a great coming of age tool, and it may just help ease the fact that some things are just not as we would hope.


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