Thursday, April 24, 2014

Great Kids Snacks Box

The Great Kids Snack Box delivers all-natural snacks as a healthy alternative to the grab-and-go snacks children are currently consuming. The goal is to make it easy for parents to educate their children about nutrition while giving them a fun and healthy snack each day. This is accomplished by evaluating and selecting 30 different snacks each month. These snacks meet the strict healthy and nutritional criteria. Then, these healthy snacks are bundled in a box and delivered to the kids in the program every month.
I was shocked at how many snacks were in The Great Kids Snacks Box, and the variety! And there were only maybe 1 or 2 things Callan did not want to try. Everything else he loved! And he was trying new things, and that is awesome, because it is hard for us to find things he will eat, as he is generally a really picky eater! Hooray for this box!

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