Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Princess Diana Conspiracy Review

The Princess Diana Conspiracy by Alan Powers

About The Book:
This is the book that publishers withdrew because their lawyers said it was very dangerous. This book seeks justice for Diana and presents extremely incriminating evidence that all democratic nations should embrace. It's proven the paparazzi were kept away from court through "political intervention"; the decision to embalm Diana was taken at a "diplomatic level"; MI6 previously attempted to "pervert the course of justice" and are forced into acknowledging they murder people; senior police officers compared evidence to "get their stories straight" during the inquest and repeatedly sidestepped crucial questions, plus much more. The authorities are examined both pre and post the Paris attack. Disturbing evidence is presented and questions are raised over Britain's "democracy" where the people are supposed to be the law. If you share this book's view that this heinous act was intolerable then consider; Diana's murder needed the nod from someone in a position of considerable power; so, who gave the order? Post attack, the authorities were shamefully coerced into cooperating with a subterfuge just because the people's justice endangered one family and, of course, MI6; clearly an abuse of the people's democracy. This book shows evidence of murder that any honest court would accept. Murderous monsters assassinated Diana to preserve the status quo; an act of which the Nazi SS or the KGB would have been proud. But instead of burning books, these people now intimidate writers who seek justice and they are, in my view, guilty of treason; please read and consider your verdict.

My Thoughts:
Wow. Just wow. I have always been fascinated with the Royal Family, and of course Princess Diana. I remember where I was and how I found out that she was dead, just like so many people do in a similar sense to the acts of 9/11. This book was quite the read. Took me a bit to get through it, as there is some legalese that is not common to read, for me anyhow. But I understood it all, and really enjoyed this read. Puts things into perspective, and just makes you shake your head.

About The Author:
The author has enjoyed a variety of interests including being a drama student, an official candidate of the Conservative party and owning his own company but this is his first journey into the world of writing. His hobbies are flying, pistol shooting, scuba diving and he is a past rugby football player. He has written another book about Diana that will be published later and has ideas for other subjects that will also follow. When his company suffered the ravages of internal fraud, and with no joy from the police due to lack of evidence and a degree of police indifference, his life changed irrevocably. When Diana was murdered Alan remembers feeling rage that such a beautiful and natural person as Diana could be used, abused, and so cruelly discarded just to maintain the monarchy's image. He considered the probability that this was a murder of convenience and began an extensive investigation into Diana's death. Although initially unsure he would be up to this task, he now offers evidence that this murder was not conducted by rogue MI6 officers, considered as possible during the inquests, but by serving MI6 officers and with the use of military aid. This project began in 2003 and despite many attempts by others to prevent, or delay, the book's release, Alan now brings you his findings. There is an overview of the background to this story and a selection of relevant events prior to the inquests with lateral thought being applied to four million words of cross referenced inquest evidence. He delivers the most compelling and damming evidence and says that it's important for justice to prevail if Britain still wishes to be considered a democracy. He now asks for the most important verdict of all; yours.


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