Monday, August 26, 2013

Rutaesomn Sleep Aid

Check out this great sleep aid! Rutaesomn specifically kicks caffeine out of your system, allowing your body to put itself to sleep naturally. In fact, the only thing Rutaesomn does is eliminate caffeine from your body. This means that if you do not consume caffeine during the week, Rutaesomn will not work for you.
One cup of coffee stays in your system for 10-15 hours! So, two cups of coffee in the morning is like drinking a half-cup right before bed. Along with caffeine’s natural stimulant effects, it can stop the release of your body’s natural melatonin. Rutaesomn simply speeds up the body’s naturally occurring enzyme that metabolizes caffeine.

Check it all out at Rutaesomn on Facebook, as well as Rutaesomn on Twitter!

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