Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Chemorella by Katy Franco

About The Book:
Chemorella (subtitled Quimiorela) is a Cinderella story about beating cancer and seeing your dreams come true. Pretty, witty and bald, Chemorella overcomes all obstacles by following her heart, accepting the love of people around her, and doing everything her doctor tells her to do. The story takes her from the rags of illness to the riches of health, love and creative success - finding her prince, overcoming her cancer, and designing the most beautiful, jeweled sneakers the world ever saw. All without a fairy godmother. This is a book for the entire family. It is funny, inspirational and educational. It will make the patient and her family laugh and will fill them with hope for the future. Chemorella therefore is the perfect gift for someone who is fighting this disease, and for her children and family. Chemorella was written by Katy Franco, a breast cancer survivor, and her husband, Ken Phillips. Every other page has a full-color illustration by Scott Sackett. It is in English and Spanish, side-by-side, translated by Eduardo Franco.

My Thoughts:
This is a great book for the whole family, because the whole family is involved in the illness, not just the patient. I appreciate that the book is bilingual. The illustrations are gorgeous. The story is definitely like a Cinderella story, but don't we all have one of those? *wink* A very nice adaptation, and great for the whole family, even littler kids.

About The Author:
Katy Franco is a Latin American actress, stand-up comic, certified laughter leader, breast cancer advocate, and author (with her husband) of Chemorella (subtitled Quimiorela), a Cinderella story about beating cancer and seeing your dreams come true.
I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Flo Selfman PR. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the nice post about 'Chemorella' and Katy Franco, Hayley.
    Best wishes to you and your family.
    By the way, I have a nephew in the navy since 2001.
    Flo Selfman


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