Sunday, March 18, 2012

Nitt Witt Hill

Nitt Witt Hill by Sebastian Gibson

About The Book:
What's causing the country and now the President to lose their crackers and voters to elect Nitt Witts? Clowns and Turkeys are running Congress and the Nitt Witts are everywhere. But will one more Clown in Congress make any difference? Would the country be better off with some real Turkeys instead of those Clowns? Or are the Nitt Witts destined to run Washington? Set on historic Nitt Witt Ridge in Cambria, California and Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., Sebastian Gibson's satire paints the absurdities of the political world and of daily life with his unique sense of humor. The top political parties have degenerated into the Nitt Witts, the Turkeys and the Clown Party and the country is becoming deranged. Unless Mark Twain (Mark, a political consultant and his dog, Twain) can determine what's making people so neurotic and make sense of the madness, riots may cause the country's collapse. The Clowns are running for office with the slogan, "One more Clown in Congress probably won't make any difference." The Turkey candidates are running against the Clowns with their counter slogan, "Isn't it time we had some real Turkeys in office instead of those Clowns?" But it's the Nitt Witt Party who may have the most appeal to voters with their slogan, "Elect a Nitt Witt and see what some real Nitt Witts can do in Washington." Meanwhile, believing a lightweight metal alloy in bras when placed in contact with the wearer's skin is causing electrostatic interference with aircraft navigation equipment and with people themselves, Homeland Security and the Senate take action to prohibit the wearing of bras on airplanes and their sale in America. Still, the situation fails to improve and the country is on the verge of losing its collective mind. With the rhetoric of political parties at a level never seen before ("Turkeys are made for stuffing, Clowns are for Congress") and as protesters riot over the right to wear or go without bras and try to take control of the White House it's up to Mark and his dog Twain to determine the cause of the country's mental imbalance and find a way to save the country. Read the novel that's making Washington laugh so hard, Congress can't accomplish anything. It all begins and ends on Nitt Witt Hill.

My Thoughts:
Funny, kind of sad, and, well, true. This book is fiction, but based on reality. So it is basically making fun of something.....and that is the American Government. It can really open your eyes to how the government works, even if you really don't follow political things. I think everybody young and old and of all political parties will find this book fun and enjoyable, and totally hilarious.

About The Author:
Sebastian Gibson has been a musician and performer in an international musical show, has written a musical on the life of Shakespeare called, "Shake," and has law degrees in both the U.S. and the U.K. Today he practices law in Southern California as the senior partner with his own law firm. He has written for the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal newspapers and has authored thousands of articles on the internet. Today, thousands follow him on Twitter as he continues to practice law and is at work on two additional books in the Nitt Witt series.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from Julia Drake PR. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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