Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Old Queen And The Maui Maiden

The Old Queen And The Maui Maiden by Michael A. Herr

About The Book:
In this 5th book of the Kohala Coast Mystery series, Teri Pono travels from the Big Island to Maui to fulfill the request of a long-dead Queen. On Maui she works to put a mummified Maui Maiden to rest again. To do so she must out-maneuver several villains who see the Maui Maiden only as a means to a fortune. Teri faces death in the dark waters of Maui. Additionally, back on the Big Island, Teri's mother seems to be spiraling farther down into the dark pit of Alzheimer's Disease. Teri and her sisters seek to understand what is happening to their mother, and also seek help in dealing with her problems. Koakane, Teri's lua (Hawaiian fighting) instructor and Teri turn to each other after they have both lost their spouses.

My Thoughts:
This is the 2nd book of the series I have read, so I am out of order. But I read the first in the series (see my review here). I like that these books are mysterious with old lore and traditions. But yet, Teri is in the current world as well, dealing with her family, especially her mother. There are a lot of characters in this book, but it does not make it confusing. It only adds to the stories. A good thriller to curl up with!

About The Author:
Michael A. Herr is a retired educator, 34.5 years in service to the California schools, who has visited the islands for some 50 years. His wife was born and raised in Kaimuki on Oahu and together they have one son and two grandchildren. Mr. Herr collects weird and mysterious items including replicas of Hawaiian weapons. His office is a mess and he wouldn't have it any other way. He hopes you enjoy reading his books. He can be contacted at His website is Mr. Herr is also on Facebook and loves to collect new friends. Aloha.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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