Friday, January 13, 2012

If We Were Best Friends

If We Were Best Friends by Mary M. Sullivan

About The Book:
Friendship is important in a child's life. Girls tend to have significant friendships, throughout their childhood and well into adulthood. This book follows a friendship of two girls in good times and adversity; they manage to remain best friends till adulthood. Girls...this book can be shared with your friends, or simply read together - you can reminisce about fun times you have shared. Moms...think back to your childhood. Who was your best friend? Read this book along with your daughters, nieces, and all young girls in your life. You may open up dialogue about what a best friend is. You may be pleasantly surprised as you discover more about the little girl in your life and about yourself in the process.

My Thoughts:
This is a really great book for young girls. I passed this along to my nieces, who are virtually twins (same age, close birthdays, different parents). They have been each others best buds since birth. So this is a great book to share with them. I like that there is a section in the back of the book to write your own thoughts and memories, and add pictures, and draw, etc. A very nice book for young girls.

About The Author:
Originally from Chicago, Mary M. Sullivan now resides with daughter Autumn in Florida. A passion for writing and a love for children led her to this point. This is the second book in a series of healing books for children - a continuation of a dream come true. She is employed by Patrick W. Chernesky DPM as an office manager.

I recieved a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. It is such a pleasure to do the illustrations for Mary's books. She and daughter, Autumn have insights to pass along that heal and amuse.
    Nance' Jane (Des Moines, Ia.)

  2. I really enjoy illustrating the childrens books for Mary and daughter, Autumn. They have natural insights which translate deep emotions held by young people. It is a pleasure to be involved with these sweet caring people.


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