Sunday, January 15, 2012

Called To Serve Review & *Giveaway*

Called To Serve by LTC Tony Monetti & Penny Monetti

About The Book:
A 2010 study found that one in eight combat soldiers returning from Iraq or Afghanistan experiences post-traumatic stress. One in ten are “seriously disabled” by mental problems according to this Walter Reed Army Institute of Research study. In addition to combat stress, constant deployments and long separations cause adjustment difficulties for soldiers, their wives, children and extended families. Many military couples and families lack the support, encouragement and resources to deal with stress and maintain healthy relationships. The resulting divorce rate is four times that of civilian marriages. One military couple is working to strengthen, equip and encourage Armed Forces families and those who love them. Lt. Col. Tony Monetti, a command pilot, and director of operations of the 13th bomb squadron at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, and his wife, Penny Monetti, author, speaker and counselor of trauma and crisis victims, recognize the extraordinary challenges faced by military members. Yet, the Monettis say they feel “lucky to live a life of service and meaning.” In Called to Serve (Discovery House Publishers, 2011) they share their lives, personal struggles and practical life lessons, and extensive resources gleaned from more than twenty-three years of experience in the military. The Monettis identified top stressors for military families using input from professional counselors and Armed Forces chaplains from various denominations. Called to Serve addresses issues such as fear, transition, loneliness, grief, destructive behaviors, and poor communication. These stressors are also common to civilians, but magnified for those in the military. Practical solutions are presented from personal experience and a faith-based perspective. Called to Serve provides helpful insights on handling deployments, restoring hope to families living with post-traumatic stress disorder, safeguarding relationships, combating destructive behavior, and dismantling emotional land mines. Each chapter includes questions for individual reflection, a couple’s study or small group discussions. Of particular benefit are the issue-related links, a comprehensive list of resources for military families or those who love them.

My Thoughts:
I love this book, and of course I would, it being related to the military. I wish we had this book after Jason returned from Iraq, because the transition was so hard, and he suffered from PTSD, still does. I like that this book is set up like a monthly devotional of sorts. You can read one chapter a day for a month, reflect on each day, and discuss it with your family. A seriously great resource for military families.

About The Authors:
Lieutenant Colonel Tony Monetti, Director of Operations of the 13th Bomb Squadron at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, is an Air Force Academy graduate, a veteran combat command pilot of the B-52 and B-1 planes, and presently flies the B-2 stealth bomber. His honors include the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. He is an author and speaker and Air Force spokesperson who motivates groups and corporate organizations worldwide. He was honored as Warrensburg , Missouri ’s “2010 Man of the Year” for his outstanding contributions to the community.
Penny Monetti is an author, motivational speaker and member of the Advanced Writer’s and Speakers Association (AWSA). Certified to counsel trauma and crisis victims through the American Academy of Christian Counselors, she works with combat veterans and military families dealing with PTSD. She is the founder of Connected Hearts, assisting needy and homeless children, as well as an educator and a nurse at Kanakuk Christian Sports Kamp and at the University of Central Missouri Health Center. Tony and Penny together founded Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Johnson County, Missouri, where they make their home. They own a popular Italian restaurant, and together have three children.

One reader will win a copy of this book. Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
4. Promote this giveaway.

Giveaway ends January 29th. Open to US only, sorry. Good luck!

I recieved a complimentary review copy of this book from Creative Resources. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I follow you on GFC as AnneL.

  2. I like Called to Serve on FB as Anne Loyd.

  3. gfc follower
    pjames330 at aol dot com


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