Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Always & Forever Love *Giveaway*

Always & Forever Love by Otis G. Sanders

About The Book:
This book is a celebration of the institution of traditional marriage. With approx. 50% of all marriages in America ending in divorce there is a desperate need to bring to light the other 50% of marriages that survive where the couples are happy and in love after 20 years or more of marriage. This book, "Always & Forever, Love" consists of approx. 50 married couples of different Ethnic groups that have been married not less than 20 years. Each couple was interviewed and photographed to produce this book. Each couple has 2 pages in the book, one page will be highlights of what they have done to make their marriage work, and the opposite page will be a full page photograph of the couple. Different Ethnic groups were used to demonstrate that there is no difference between the races when it comes to the institution of marriage. What makes a marriage work for an African American couple is the same for an Anglo, Hispanic, Interracial, or Asian couple.

My Thoughts:
This is a lovely book! The stories are sweet, and these couples are amazing. It is true that marriage does not seem to last long these days. It is good to see a book like this. A nice coffee table book, or a gift for a couple on their anniversary. It's lovely.

About The Author:
Otis G. Sanders has been a professional photographer for more than 20 years. His love for photography started at the age of 12. Reading has always been a favorite past time for Otis. His fascination for the written word coupled with his expertise in photographing people lead to the production his first table top book, "Always & Forever, Love" subtitled: Success Stories of Marriages 20+ Years Strong. This book demonstrates through 50 couples of different ethnic backgrounds how God/Spirituality, Love, Respect, Trust, Communication, Commitment, Togetherness, Forgiveness, Patience & Honesty, are the ingredients that help build strong, lasting marriages.

You can buy this book at Always & Forever Love on Amazon.

One lucky reader will win a copy of this book! Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
4. Promote this giveaway.

Giveaway ends February 1st. Open to US only, sorry. Good luck!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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