Friday, December 30, 2011

A Year With Jesus

A Year With Jesus by R.P. Nettelhorst

About The Book:
Too many times the impact and grandness of the actual words Jesus spoke, as recorded in the Bible, are lost in the telling of the story. In A Year with Jesus, the primary focus is to allow the scriptures that contain Jesus' dialogue to uniquely speak to the reader. The author follows each reading with insights and applications to help explain the context and nuances of the text. The unique titling of each meditation and the nontraditional themes and organization help bring Jesus to our daily lives. Topics include: *Love and Hate *Truths and Lies *Arrogance and Humility *Friends and Enemies *Belief and Disbelief *Patience and Impatience *Deserved and Undeserved *Good and Evil *Fidelity and Treachery *Life and Death

My Thoughts:
This is a lovely daily devotional book. As I have said before, since Mason's passing, I have been more and more interested in the Bible, and Jesus, and understanding things. And this book is a big help. It puts things in layman's terms so it is better to grasp the lessons and the words. I really am enjoying this book!

About The Author:
R.P. Nettlehorst is a writer of biblically and theologically related works, among other things. He does a weekly newspaper column for a small Northern California newspaper called The Ridge Rider News. He gets to write about anything he likes, as long as he keeps it to 800 words. He was a volunteer with the X-Prize Foundation at the winning launches of SpaceShipOne. He's the founder and Academic Vice President of Quartz Hill School of Theology where he also serves as Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages. While an undergraduate, he spent two summers working on a kibbutz in Israel. He went on to complete his graduate work at UCLA in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, majoring in Semitic languages. Before founding Quartz Hill School of Theology, he taught at Christian Heritage College and Los Angeles Baptist College (now the Master's College). He is married, with three daughters. A cat and a dog also live with them in their house in southern California.

Buy this book at A Year With Jesus on Amazon.

I recieved a complimentary review copy of this book from Booksneeze. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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