Friday, December 16, 2011

The Girl From The Tower

The Girl From The Tower by Joanna Giangardella

About The Book:
This true story of a young girl’s journey gives a poignant perspective of international adoptions, the collision of cultures, and the well-intentioned but flawed American intervention following the Greek Civil War. The strong bond between mother and daughter and how that love overcomes distance, time, and hardship is an inspiration to all who read “The Girl from the Tower.”

My Thoughts:
I know nothing about the Greek-Turkish Civil War, but after reading this book, I feel I know more about that era from a personal level. That is because the author writes from her heart, and writes so honestly. I could not put this book down. I was so engrossed in the story, that I did not even know my husband made dinner and he and my son ate it without me! Ha! A very genuine book, and a must-read!

About The Author:
Only Ten-years-old, Joanna, caught in the aftermath of the Greek Civil War, is placed into a special UN adoption program supported by Queen Frederica and, for a child living on the barefoot island of Pergos, it seems to be a dream come true. After all, America is the land of chocolate and walking dolls and so, like a celebrity, she leaves her childhood behind to embark on a journey that changes her life forever. Her new American parents, a Russian-born monarch and a Bulgarian of high society, forbid her to speak Greek, force her to eat intolerable food, and confine her to her room. Joanna’s life becomes a nightmare as she longs for home but fears she’s been abandoned and forgotten.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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