Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Cape Cod Witch Series

The Cape Cod Witch And The Pirate's Treasure by J Bean Palmer

About The Book:
The Cape Cod Witch and the Pirate's Treasure is the story of the youngest witch on Cape Cod, Elsbeth Amelia Thistle. She is involved in all the normal aspects of growing up. Of course, she's a little different, too. And when Halloween approaches in a sleepy Cape Cod town, she finds a pirate's legend has never quite been forgotten. ElsBeth's adventures are shared with her non-magical but memorable friends, including the local Wampanoag Indians, who are called upon to help resolve an ill-fated and climactic adventure with the notorious pirate, Billy Bowlegs. Some magical friends involved in the action include a mischievous cat, an Indian prince who has been turned into a bullfrog (but sometimes reappears as a prince), some troublesome fairies from the old country, as well as Elsbeth's grandmother, the venerable Hannah Goodspell. This enchanting adventure, with twenty whimsical full-color illustrations by juried fine artist Melanie Therrien, is the first in a series of the chronicles of Cape Cod's youngest witch. 125 pages; recommended for boys and girls ages 8-13. Children ages 5-7 love the story read to them - and adults like it, too!
The Cape Cod Witch And The Legend Of The Pirate by J Bean Palmer

About The Book:
While on an innocent field trip to Boston's historic Freedom Trail, Elsbeth Amelia Thistle, the littlest witch on Cape Cod, becomes entangled in a fateful kidnapping - and the action soon moves to the treacherous waters of Massachusetts Bay and finally to the old whaling port of Nantucket. With the help of a pirate captain ghost and several magical animal friends, Elsbeth and her classmates attempt to rescue a young Arabian prince in this daring sea adventure. And along the way they discover the most important lesson of all - the true meaning of the Legend of the Pirate.

About The Author:
J Bean Palmer has an abiding appreciation of the natural beauty and treasures of New England. And with a degree in Environmental Science, she weaves a message of care for the environment in her high spirited Elsbeth, the Little Cape Cod Witch stories. Her own adventures flying small planes, canoeing and hiking in the rugged western mountains of Maine and along the stunning seascapes and quaint villages of Cape Cod serve as ample inspiration for her Elsbeth series. The author also calls upon her family's long history in New England, including that of a Revolutionary "Green Mountain Boy", Cape Cod cranberry farmers and artists, and an oft-told family legend that as her grandmother's ancestors stepped off the Mayflower, her grandfather's relatives were there to greet them.

My Thoughts:
These two books are great. I read them to Callan, and as much as he enjoyed them, I did as well. The stories are fun and exciting, and great chapter books for kids! I would love to continue reading this series with Callan, so we hope there is more to come! Great books!

To learn more, visit The Cape Cod Witch.

I received a complimentary review copy of these books from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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