Tuesday, December 6, 2011

2nd Annual Christmas Book Donation Program

Cheer Up a Cancer Patient in the Hospital on Christmas!!

Christmas is the one day the world stands still and holds hands in celebration. No matter your faith or your belief, the majority of the world decorates, buys trees, and exchanges love and gifts. Even neighborhoods, towns, and large cities stop to decorate and celebrate in the season. We all seem to be united for one small moment world-wide. 

And even though I think that specific months to raise money and awareness for certain cancers is wonderful...cancer does not go away in a month. For those of us who have had cancer or have cancer, whether healthy or not, we will be effected by cancer the rest of our lives, as will our families and friends.

So please join me in bringing one small gesture, a small amount of joy to those and their families who will be celebrating Christmas in the hospital this year due to cancer. Please purchase one of my books and the book will be signed and wrapped and delivered to hospitals all over the US, UK and the world to let a cancer patient know we care and to share a little laughter hopefully brightening their day! And with your purchase $5.00 from every book will be donated to one of the following charities of your choice:

To help the fight against Breast & Ovarian Cancers
FORCE - Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered

Mission to raise awareness about Positive Social Behavior

Supporting American Military in their time of need
The Fisher House

This project created such joy last year and we just got started! This year I hope to bring even more joy and spread the word of hope and understanding even further!

Please help me to reach this goal! That would let 500 patients know we care and help a charity of your choice!!

Book Orders need to be in no later then December 15, 2011 In order to get the books off to the hospitals in time!

For even more information go to my website at Quiet Angel Publishing.

Thank you for your continued support! It is the love of our family and friends and the new ones we make on the way that continues to bring joy to our lives!

Happy Holidays!
All the best to you and your family, 
Regina E. Savage

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