Tuesday, December 13, 2011

17 Parenting Mistakes

17 Parenting Mistakes by Ali Bierman

About The Book:
Parents, did your kid come with a how-to manual? I don’t think so. So you had to figure out the parenting gig yourself, right? I bet you made some mistakes. I bet you made lots of mistakes so far - and more to come in the future. None of us is perfect, yet our kids manage to grow up and survive. These 17 mistakes happen commonly for most parents. The details of the 17 mistakes as well as actions to take instead of those that created the mistakes will lead you and your child to better relationships and a happier home. What if you never had to choose which battles to fight and which to let go because there were never any battles at all? Would that reduce your stress level? What if you never experienced Terrible Twos or troublesome worrisome teenage activities because your kid had no interest or need to act out in any way, shape or form? Do you think raising kids in a positive manner can lead to your kid growing into a responsible happy and successful adult? Would your parenting experience feel less like drudgery and more like fun? Of course it would. Discover the mistakes you probably have no clue that currently make performing your already tough job of parenting a major life challenge. But all that does is give you more information. So move beyond reading and learning all the way to applying what you find. Do what Ali Bierman suggests to raise kids with less fuss and more yes! For many, knowing the possible pitfalls makes the path to happy parenting easier. The 17 mistakes covered in detail here make the difference between raising a happy child while maintaining your sanity and going through the whole mom/dad experience choosing your battles. What a way to go through life: Looking for "terrible twos" and impossible teens! What if you knew how to listen so your kid will talk to you? How about knowing how to talk so your kid will listen to you? Do you know who the best role model needs to be for your child to grow up to become the person you wish him or her to be? Many people know the usual signs of low self esteem but what about the other signs that many take to mean the child is doing super well? There is so much to know. Consider this brief treatise the essential guide you wish had come with your child at birth.

My Thoughts:
I'm the perfect parent. Well, aren't you too? We all tend to think that other people raise their kids "wrong". To me, there is not a right way or a wrong way. But it is always good to get some insight on ideas from other parents and resources. Advice and suggestions are there to help us. And after reading this book, I do think that there are some areas I could definitely improve upon in my parenting. I like Mistake #5 - Not Seeing That You And Your Child Live In 2 Different Worlds. I guess I had never thought of it that way, and the tips in that section really kind of made me go "Oh!" A great book, no matter what the age of your child!

About The Author:
Ali Bierman enjoyed the challenge of raising two children in a joyful way that created family activities in the kitchen, bedrooms, outdoors and even the spiritual realm. As a teacher, soccer coach and counselor she expanded her reach to children of all ages. She teaches parents that kids grow up so fast they want to take advantage of every precious minute of their youth. She lives by the philosophy, "The more you enjoy life the more life gives you to enjoy."

You can buy this book at 17 Parenting Mistakes on Amazon.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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