Thursday, April 7, 2011

191 Unlimited is a Men's Clothing store online. They sell tees, ties, vests, slacks, jackets, dress shirts, blazers, and more! They even have clothing for little guys (, as you can see in the picture above of Callan. We got to review a shirt for Callan and one for Jason. Doesn't Callan look handsome? The shirt was a great fit for him, and since he looked so cute, we decided to dress him in his 191 shirt for his 3 year old photos! has some really cool up-to-date styles. Ladies, go shopping for your men and get them some cool new duds. Ok, maybe just go on the site and drool at the hot male models! ;) We really like the style and quality of these clothes, and will be shopping with them again!

I received products from 191Unlimited in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I once saw a lumberjack wearing that exact shirt. True story. Looks waaaay better on Callan though. :)

  2. LOL @ K, yes it is sort of....whatever the word is. And Callan does look cute!

  3. I've never heard of a "Hen party" either! I did have a small bachelorette party at the islands in Lake Erie. You and your husband sound like you were meant for each other. Following you now from a Thursday hop. Have a great day!


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