Tuesday, November 2, 2010


DAY TWO of the BBB....this should be fun. I am looking forward to this! YOU can be a guest blogger on my blog. All you have to do is type up a good blog post on absolutely anything you want, and email it to me at callansparents@yahoo.com with the subject BBB #2 and I will post it, featuring you and your blog (make sure you give me the blog link)!!! How fun is that? Leave a comment here on this post that you are doing this for your day two participation! Remember, the post can be about anything! Are you an expert at something? Got something on your mind? Write about it and I will make you a guest blogger and post the article/post you email me on my blog! Also, feel free to make a post about it on your blog and link back to your guest post here when I post it. Yay!

To get the details of the BBB go HERE.


  1. I am a follower! I will appreciate if you follow me back!

  2. I'm a new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday! I Would love a follow back :) It would be awesome if you could also follow me on Networked Blogs & Facebook too!

    Thanks, Misty

  3. This is such a cute idear! I was thinking about doing this, but only as a treat to myself if I finish my NaNo word count for the day. hehe.

  4. Fun! I'm emailing you a post right now!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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