Sunday, November 7, 2010


Woo hoo! A week of the BBB. Awesome! Today we got 2 things going on. One, for part of your participation, follow me on Twitter HERE. I have a funny story about Twitter. Do you want to hear it? Ok, well maybe another time. Ha! Part two, if you want....Remember my review on Baby Bond? Check it out HERE. If you want a chance to win, then here's what you do!

1. Follow my blog
2. Follow me via Twitter (from link above)
3. Tell me how BabyBond would help you out during breast feeding.

Giveaway ends November 13th. Good luck!

To learn about the details of the BBB go HERE.

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  1. What's the story? I wanna hear it! :D

  2. Follow you on GFC! (Ashley R)
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  3. Follow you on twitter! (@reynoldsmom)
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  4. This would help me out a lot when we have our next one.....I'm not even pregnant yet....just planning ahead! With my first, breastfeeding was a huge challenge, and my son never latched correctly so I quit after 6 weeks and pumped for a total of a year. I think if I have plenty of "tools" to help my succeed and make things easier, I would be more likely to stick to it next time!
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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