Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blogtoberfest - Day 14 - Brrrr

Hello everyone! So I've only gotten to 60 on the Blogtoberfest list. Maybe today I will catch up. I fear I will not complete my mission. Sigh. But I still have over 2 weeks left, so we shall see. It is finally getting cold here in Minnesota. Sigh. Winter is right around the corner. Boo! Today I am working on the birthday goodie bags for Mason's party next week. My baby turns ONE on Saturday. Wow, I swear, I was just preggers with him! And Callan is coming up on 3! My goodness. Time sure does go quick. Ok, off to do some bloggy business! Have a great day all!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I've made myself a follower over here too. I hope you make it through all the bloggers, I'm finding it hard!

  2. thanks for visiting my blog. My sister was married to a marine until very recently. based in Hawaii.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog:)
    Happy birthday to your littl eman for Saturday - you are right - they grow up too quick:)


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Good Hope Bakery #Holiday2024

This holiday season, save time with the baking and let Good Hope Bakery do it for you! Good Hope Bakery is a dedicated gluten-free bakery b...