Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today is November 1st, 2009. Exactly one month ago I turned 30 years old. Sixteen days ago I gave birth to my second son, Mason, via repeat c-section. My first son, Callan, is 20 months old today. Maybe I am having a little postpartum depression, maybe not. But I need something new, something for me. So I decided to start blogging again. I used to blog faithfully. I blogged about my struggle with infertility, and then I blogged about our triumph, and blogged through my whole first pregnancy. I blogged through the first year of our firstborn's life. And then I got pregnant (surprise!!) this second time, and I kinda fell off the blogging wagon during most of the pregnancy. But a lot was going on besides being pregnant. My hubby is an Army veteran and was (and still is) dealing with a service connected disability. We had just recently moved back to Minnesota after living in Texas for 5 years. We had to move in with my parents (ugh!) and were working on getting a place of our own, which we did, thank you God! Hubby was on the hunt for a job. So, a lot was going on, and I took a hiatus from blogging. But like I said before, whatever it is now, I need something for me. So I am trying my hand at blogging once again. I don't anticipate I will have a lot of readers/followers, but I am doing it more so for the therapy of writing! So, hello Blog World! Here I come!


  1. nice blog my mom has 4 kids going on 5 plz check out my blog

  2. I sure miss reading everyone's blog. Wish I could do it again, myself, but we all know why that will never happen. You definitely have had a lot going on the past year, or almost 2 years. Glad you got your own place, though. :-)

  3. You've definitely had a lot going on. I miss reading other people's blogs, and I miss blogging, but I can't do that anymore, because of the evil bitches out there. They know who they are. Glad you got your own place. :-) Now people will gasp in horror, because I actually left a comment in a blog. Heaven forbid! ;-)

  4. Missed you! Glad you're back...with new baby in tow...beautiful boys :)

  5. YOU ARE BACK!! *Woo hoo doin the happy dance*

    Girl I missed you. I promise I did.

    Congratulations on the baby and on getting a place of your own. I'll be checking in with you to find out what's new!



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