Monday, November 2, 2009

30 Bit Me In The Butt

As I have previously mentioned, I turned 30 recently. For most women, 30 is not as big a deal as, say, 40. But it was for me. It was like, okay, I am 30 years old, and what have I done with my life? Nothing. Ok, yes, I have borne two beautiful children and been a faithful loving wife, but is that all I am, a mama and a wife? And as big, as huge, as successful and triumphant the births of my children is for that all I was put on this Earth to do? Is that my identity? Mother. And if so, I am truly happy with that. My sons are my biggest accomplishment. It was a long road to get to them. And I made it. But...besides doing the most wonderful thing in the world, what else have I done? Where has my life gone? Is there more for me out there? And why should I want more than what I've got? I am blessed beyond words with what I have got in my life. Why do I feel like I've accomplished nothing? Maybe this is some sort of depression setting in. But....I am I am 30 years old....and have nothing to show for it.

1 comment:

  1. Hayley, if you raise your sons with the thought in your mind that you want to bless the world through their presence... that you raise them with an awareness of people around them and what they are going through... that they have the capacity to accomplish great things for good... then being a Mother is a major undertaking and the greatest calling. There is no such thing as "mere motherhood" when done right.

    I am about to break forty's door down. Whatever. BRING IT 40!! :)


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