Tuesday, October 5, 2021

How To Bring More Music Into Your Life

Music has stood at the center of the human experience from time immemorial. It provides us with entertainment, encouragement, enrichment and enjoyment. If you've ever wondered how to bring a little more music into your life, try some of the following ideas.

Listen Strategically

The first step to bringing more music into your life is simply to listen to more music. Turn the radio to your favorite station in the car. Play some songs while you're exercising or doing household chores. Have music on in the background while you work. Try some soft music during meals, but turn down the volume to avoid disrupting any dinner table conversations.

Further, think strategically about your listening habits. If you are the type of person who runs on a schedule, you might identify particular times when music is especially necessary or appropriate for your activities. Then write yourself a reminder to press play. Creating playlists of your favorite artists and genres might help also, using either your personal music collection or a music subscription service. This way you have your very best music at your fingertips at all times.

Expand Your Repertoire

While your favorite songs will likely be at the top of your personal greatest hits list, don't be afraid to branch out and expand your musical repertoire. Ask friends for recommendations of new artists or genres, and then give them a try. If you don't like them, you've lost nothing but a little time, but you might also discover a new favorite.

Alternately, check your music subscription service for a “radio” playlist based on your current favorite artists and genres. You might also search for playlists created by your favorite artists or by other users. Finally, you may simply decide to revisit the music of your childhood or try some music you've always wanted to hear but just never gotten around to.

Learn About Music

While listening to music is a major part of increasing the music in your life, learning about music is another important piece of the puzzle. Music is a complex reality, and understanding some of its history and theory can greatly increase your appreciation and ability to listen more effectively. Pick up a book of basic music history and styles. Dabble a bit in beginning music theory. Even plunge into an online music appreciation class. The more you learn, the great role music will play in your daily life.

Become a Musician

Finally, if you really want to bring music into your world, become a musician yourself. Take some lessons in person or online through a reputable music school like Forbes Music Company. Before you begin, determine which instrument you would like to learn, and then make a commitment to take a certain number of lessons, perhaps ten, to give yourself a firm foundation. You must also be willing to set aside time to practice, too.

If learning an instrument seems too much, try some online voice lessons. Again, give yourself a chance to adjust to a new experience by committing to several lessons and practicing frequently.

By following these simple tips, you may well discover that your world is filled with music and that you are loving every minute of it.

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. I have used direct text from the website of the company/product I am promoting to facilitate in my review.

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