Saturday, January 23, 2021

Yes Girl Yes #SelfCare2021

LaToya Wilson is an Empowerment Coach, and who couldn't use some more empowerment, especially in this day and age? I certainly could. Maybe not just as woman, but as a mom, as a wife, as a working woman, and hell, as a human being. LaToya - who runs LR Wilson Consulting - specializes in goal setting, accountability awareness, personalized coaching, and more. She also has a private group for the Doyenne's (that means badass leader chicks!) and I just joined - where we can go and hang and support one another. A positive place to uplift one another. And Ms. Wilson has come out with a super cool subscription box to let us lovelies know that, hey you - yes you, you rock!
Yes Girl Yes subscription boxes are geared towards empowerment of women in every aspect of the word. Empowerment comes in all forms! Beauty, self-care, mental health, physical health, clothing, pampering - the sky is the limit! Yes Girl Yes subscription boxes come complete with unique products to empower you. Each quarter you will receive a different themed box. My box came with a little notebook and a pen with a rocking diamond on top, which I love and wield around work like the queen that I am! Also a roll on perfume that smells yummy, and a super cute bracelet, that has an infinity symbol and a dragonfly, which - if you read me regularly - squeeee! That is like kismet! A God wink! A Mason sign! My little guy sending me signs from Heaven! And the facemask, appropriate for this time in our world. I rocked it at work and got a bit razzed cause they were all like are you really sticking out your tongue, ha ha! But I am cute, see? The box was great, and everything was awesome!
Check it all out at LR Wilson on Facebook, as well as LR Wilson on Instagram.
Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. I have used direct text from the website of the company/product I am promoting to facilitate in my review.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the amazing review! I really pride myself on Empowerment and each item has a purpose for each box. The next shipment will go out 2/20/2021 and the March Theme is "Spring Into Self Care". Check out the site to place your order.


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