Thursday, July 30, 2020

Discussion: Distant Learning vs. In School #BTS2020

I am curious to know where everyone is from, and what are your public schools planning for the start of school in the fall?

Minnesota is supposed to get the official announcement today from Governor Walz on what our state is to do. I am thinking he will say Distant Learning, as the virus is running rampant through Minnesota now.
I am on the fence. I think my son, Callan, flourished this past spring when the schools closed down and I had to teach him at home. But he will also be entering the 7th grade and I think he needs that high school experience as well. Because there is no middle school in our small community. It is elementary and then high school. Callan has been bullied, and also has ADD and PTSD on top of it all, so he struggles to buckle down and concentrate. When we were doing the Distant Learning, I was able to give him one on one time, which I feel is better for him and something our teachers were not able to provide. But I don't want my child to become a hermit. He needs to get out and have interactions with other people. So I don't know what is the right choice. I also know he can not wear a mask all day whilst in school, but that is a whole different topic all together.

What are your schools doing, and how do you feel about it?

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