Thursday, December 27, 2018

Back In The Swing In 2019

Well I'll be the first to admit that as for my blog, 2018 was not the best year. I let a lot of things go, and I can sit here and give all the excuses in the world, such as my health and the heart issues I faced. But, the truth is, my heart wasn't in it - no pun intended. But 2019 will be different. I intend to get back in the swing of things! And bring it back to it's glory. Not that my blog really had any glory, ha ha. But I do have some faithful readers, and people who enjoyed reading it, and participating in all the fun things!

So I'm glad you stuck around. It'll be some work to build it back up, and get it going in the right direction again, but that is what I aim to do! So here we go! And thanks for sticking around for the ride!

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