Saturday, April 29, 2017

Discover Your Ancestry Today With The Help Of Groupon

I have always been interested in my ancestry and my family history. But after I got married and had children, I was even more so interested. I joined, and delved into a world of history I had known nothing about. I have traced my roots back to the 1300's! I think that is pretty cool! There are many paths to finding your family story. Whichever way you choose - tracing your family generations back with a family tree or uncovering your ethnicity with AncestryDNA - this website has it all.

I have found famous relatives and relations. Plus, something even cooler, I have connected with family online and stayed in contact. People I never would have otherwise "met" had I not been doing my family history! 
When I joined, I didn't know Groupon had such great deals on memberships and other things. You can get money off memberships, free shipping on the products, free trials! All sorts of great Coupon Discounts and Coupon Codes to get you started on your search to discover who you are, who your family was, and where you came from!

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