Friday, September 25, 2015

#BackToSchool With Swiftwick

With a vision to be the leader in sock technology, Swiftwick is driven by innovation in a constant pursuit of perfection. They are passionate about creating a culture focused on manufacturing the best products through environmentally friendly means, social responsibility, and superior customer service. It is thier honor to claim that everything they make is created 100% in the United States of America. Domestic production affords them improved quality control and the ability to build a tighter bond with their own. They keep a close eye on the sources of materials and the integrity of the finished product. Swiftwick is proud to employ an American workforce, with all of the socks made in Tennessee.
Built to fit you perfectly, enhance performance, and last way longer than you ever could have imagined, Swiftwick socks all contain incredible compression and wicking capabilities. They relentlessly work to develop the most advanced, sustainable gear. This makes it easy to unconditionally guarantee every Swiftwick product to be the best performance product you have ever worn, or they invite you to mail us the laundered socks and a request for a competitor's replacement pair of equal value. Try a pair. You'll be hooked. The ASPIRE Line is thin and light for serious runners, cyclists and athletes of any sport. They eliminated the toe seam using linked-toe technology, which means no bunching in the toe box. These are great for sports, but I love them for working my 10-hour nursing shifts. Perfection!

Check it all out at Swiftwick on Facebook, as well as Swiftwick on Twitter.


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