Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Softsoap Holiday Scents - 2014 #HolidayGiftGuide And #Giveaway

Can you believe it’s almost time for the holidays? Seriously, Thanksgiving in 8 days!! It is going so fast! Softsoap welcomes the holiday season with their new Limited Edition Body Washes: Alpine Mint Frost, Parisian Berry Bliss, and Venetian Vanilla Spice.
These moisture rich formulas will wrap you in the Holiday spirit! Softsoap brand Alpine Mint Frost - Lose yourself in the beauty of winter with Softsoap brand limited edition Alpine Mint Frost body wash. Its revitalizing scent of Cool Winter Mint will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth all winter long.

Softsoap brand Parisian Berry Bliss - Celebrate the spirit of the season with Softsoap brand limited edition Parisian Berry Bliss body wash. This moisturizing formula leaves skin feeling soft and smooth, while the festive scent of red winter berries leaves you ready to enjoy winter.

Softsoap brand Venetian Vanilla Spice - Embrace the magic of the winter season with Softsoap brand limited edition Venetian Vanilla Spice body wash. Let the invigorating scent of Sweet Vanilla and Spices infuse your shower to leave you with soft and smoother skin all winter long. Available for a limited time at Walmart from October until December 2014.


  1. I love Rudolph since childhood.

  2. We have a tradition of watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation while putting up our Christmas tree. :-) I love that movie!

  3. I will be making peanut butter cookies for Santa

  4. My favorite holiday movie is A Christmas Story. I always watch that at Christmas. The best gift I ever received is a weeble wobble treehouse when I was five. Santa gets no cookies at our house; my daughter's always known he was pretend.

  5. I love to make chocolate chocolate chip fudge cookies!

  6. I love The Santa Clause and I always leave snickerdoodle cookies for Santa.

  7. We will be leaving homemade sugar cookies for santa this year that the kids will decorate. :)

  8. I will be leaving butter cookies for Santa this year.

  9. What is your favorite holiday book or movie? ELf

    ●What is the best Christmas gift that you ever received? All my family together

    ●What kind of cookies will you be leaving for Santa this year? sugar cookies

  10. Best gift I ever received was a PS3 from my girlfriend!

  11. ●What is your favorite holiday book or movie? Rudolph

    ●What is the best Christmas gift that you ever received? A dollhouse

    ●What kind of cookies will you be leaving for Santa this year? butter cookies

  12. We love Polar Express and will be leaving Santa homemade sugar cookies. My all time favorite Christmas present is my engagement ring from my husband.

  13. I love Frosty the Snowman. We don't leave cookies for Santa, but we will be making coconut macaroons and buckeyes for ourselves. :-) My favorite gift was the dollhouse my big brother made me for Christmas when I was 12.

  14. The best Christmas present I ever received was a plane ticket to visit my aunt for the holidays!

  15. ●What is your favorite holiday book or movie? Love the movie Deck The Halls! Always laugh so hard!

    ●What is the best Christmas gift that you ever received? Oh wow....I am drawing a blank here!

    ●What kind of cookies will you be leaving for Santa this year? Gluten Free Chocolate Chip!

  16. Santa Claus left a note last year wanting to know where his Snickerdoodle cookies are so I guess you know what kind I am making, sounds great to me

  17. My favorite Christmas movie would have to be Rudolph and the best gift I ever got was a leather jacket and I think we will leave decorated sugar cookies out for Santa.

  18. I love hallmark channel movies! The one I watch the most is A Christmas Kiss! Best gift I ever got was my new camera. Hopefully this year it will be a new laptop! Cookies we leave for santa are usually chocolate chip but sometimes frosted sugar cookies. And of course you have to leave out carrots for the reindeer!

  19. I can't pick between Rudolf and Frosty for my favorite movie.
    I got the best Christmas gift 2 days after Christmas when I gave birth to my healthy baby girl.
    I think Santa has a thing for iced sugar cookies. We always try to leave those for him.

  20. My family was just discussing our favorite Christmas movies, mine is A Christmas Story. Mostly because it is just so quotable.

  21. Favorite Christmas movie (believe it or not): Home Alone
    Best Christmas gift: Tickets to see Duran Duran for the first time (MANY years ago!)
    Santa gets gluten-free peanut butter, chocolate chip, and sugar cookies this year! :)

  22. Darlene Jones-NelsonNovember 22, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    We will be leaving the cut out sugar cookies for Santa this year!


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