Sunday, November 2, 2014

@Feeln Like Watching A Good Movie This Fall #Giveaway - 5 Winners

Feeln is the leading streaming entertainment for families who love great movies. Subscribers to Feeln enjoy hand-picked Hollywood favorites, award-winning SpiritClips Original short films, Hallmark Hall of Fame movies, and much more with unlimited access on their TVs, PCs, and mobile devices.
This is a great site! I have been on it for just over a week or so, and have devoured the movies. There are some great Hollywood favorites that I watched as a kid, and got to watch again! And the Hallmark movies! Goodness, I love those movies! There are also a ton of movies on here that I had never seen, but had been watching to watch, and I was able to do that.
For one year unlimited streaming, it is just under $50 per year, or about $5 a month. There are movies for the entire family, young and old! Something for everyone! You will not be disappointed, I promise! And lucky for you, my awesome readers, you get the chance to win one of five 1-year subscriptions plus some Feeln swag! Good luck!


  1. Great Christmas gifts!

  2. I'd like to win because we don't have cable and watch lots of movies.

  3. I'd love to win so I can watch movies with my kids.

  4. We currently use another service but its hard to find movies on their site and alot of them are older movies.

  5. We recently cancelled our other service b/c we didn't use it enough to justify the monthly cost and their selection wasn't that current. Also, I like that the offerings are kid-friendly. Finally, I also love the Hallmark movies.

    Thanks :)

  6. I would love the chance to connect with my family by having family movie nights. having quality flicks to choose from would be great!

  7. Love watching movies with the family

  8. I'd love to win these for my kids.

  9. I'd love to win because I love the idea of family friendly entertainment with a large selection to choose from

  10. I love to watch movies with the kids . Thanks!

  11. I love movies like The Lost Valentine so this would be great to win.

  12. Darlene Jones-NelsonNovember 3, 2014 at 1:17 PM

    These movies are awesome to watch with all of the kids in the family!

  13. I love watching movies with my kids! (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  14. I heard about Feeln the other day and was interested in it right off the bat!

  15. I love great movies, so this would be super to have.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  16. I would love to win this as my family watches a lot of movies & we would really enjoy this!

  17. My family loves watching movies and this sounds like an excellent service.

  18. I would love to win this prize because we are huge movie buffs around here and I think this would be extremely nice :)!

  19. I would like to win this because I like nothing better than a good Hallmark movie!

  20. Because it is AWESOME. We just bought a new house and found out that we CANNOT get cable....satellite is our only option and we are really Disaapointed but my hubby is looking for other options for movies and this looks like something we would def be interested in. Saw it now works with Apple tv which makes it even more awesome for us. We would absolutly love to win to try it out. Thanks for the chance and thanks for the awesome post about this service. I hadn't heard of this before so happy to learn about it! Thank you

  21. I'd love to win because I live out in the country. We don't have a Redbox or anything like that where I can just up and rent a DVD/Blu-ray whenever I want. Instead we have to stream movies, so this is perfect. =)

  22. I'd love to win because our family loves to watch movies together - new and old! This sounds like a great service!

  23. I would love to be one of 5 winners to win this awesome prize because I like to watch movies!
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  24. This would be a great way to be get my family together for a movie night once a week.

  25. I would like to win this to watch movies with my family.

  26. I want to win because these are good family movies. Those are hard to come by these days.

  27. i would love to add family movie night back and having this would be fun


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