Sunday, October 19, 2014

Win A Year Supply Of SOS Pads #Giveaway

In 1917, a Wear-Ever Aluminum cooking utensil salesman by the name of Irwin Cox was looking for a way his customers could keep their new pans shining bright. His invention: a pre-soaped steel wool pad. The idea was born in the basement of Cox’s home by dipping steel wool balls into a hand-grade liquid soap and then allowing the pads to air dry. Cox’s wife called the pads SOS, which stood for “Save Our Saucepans.” The SOS Pads were so popular that Cox found himself with a hot new product line. A U.S. patent was issued for the concept in 1918 and the following year an investor group was formed in California to manufacture and sell the product. Almost 100 years later, SOS remains the number one problem-solver for America’s greasiest, grimiest, grungiest jobs.
We've been using SOS Pads in my family for generations. I remember as a kid having to do the dishes, and hated washing the pots and pans, unless I could use an SOS Pad, then it was easy, and I did not mind. We've also used them to shine and wash rims on our vehicles, to clean the outdoor grill, and even have used old SOS Pads (the steel wool) in craft projects! These things are awesome, and I hope they will still be around when Callan is an adult.

 This Promotion is not administered or sponsored by Clorox or its affiliates, but solely by Hanging Off The Wire, and by entering this promotion you agree that The Clorox Company and its affiliates are not in any way responsible or liable for any damages, injuries or other claims you may have as a result of your participation.


  1. I would like to win because I use SOS pads all the time to clean.

  2. I'd like to win because SOS is the only scrubby pad I use!

  3. I love SOS Pads! (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  4. I would like to win this prize because I really like SOS pads and they would be really helpful for me.

  5. I would just LOVE to win this because SOS pads are awesome! I have all kinds of things planned for a years worth of them. I live in an older home and there are some things that need the serious scrubbing that only an SOS pad can handle.

  6. I would love to win because SOS Pads are a staple in my home and always have been!

  7. I would love to win this because we always purchase SOS Pads. It would be nice to have a 1 year supply of them. teachinmomma123abc at yahoo dot com

  8. I would love to win because I always use SOS pads.

  9. I would love to win this because we use SOS Pads regularly & so we can definitely benefit from winning this!

  10. Nothing gets my stainless steel sink cleaner!

  11. We use SOS pads all the time—they work great!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  12. I use SOS cleaning pads all the time.

  13. I would like to win because I like and use SOS pads.

  14. I love SOS pads! I would love to win this!!! We use these a lot! Thank you for the chance.

  15. I grew up using SOS pads and continue to use them in my own house! They are great for cleaning yucky messes!

  16. I"d like to win this b/c I like using SOS pads!!

  17. I'd like to win because we use these all the time.

  18. I think SOS is a top brand in soap scrubbers. It always does a fantastic job. I'd love to have a supply handy for the holidays.

  19. I would love to win because I like and am nrand loyal to SOS pads.

  20. I was actually fussing just yesterday because we didn't have any SOS pads in the house. I always have some and no one had told me we were out. Nothing better when you need to scrub something down. I would love to have a supply stocked up so I don't run out again

  21. I use these pads on a regular basis since I bake and fry things here a lot.

  22. I don't have a dishwasher and I cook a lot. Sos pads would be very helpful for my pots and pans.
    heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

  23. I'd like to win because S.O.S pads make my clean up easier. I have well water with a lot of iron and they work great.

  24. I'm an avid fan of SOS. It is my Go-To cleaner.

  25. I have always used SOS pads. I've tried other scrubbing products but I always go back to SOS.

  26. I can remember using these when I was 5 yrs old and helping my grandma in the kitchen. I still use them 50 yrs now and they still can not be beat. Thank you for the wonderful product.

  27. I really like the job that SOS pads do in cleaning my pots and pans so I would love to win this.

  28. I have always used SOS pads...just like my mom did! My kitchen wouldn't complete (or clean) without them!

  29. My husband can no longer work and we are living on my dime - every penny saved is a blessing!

  30. I would love to win this cause I love SOS pads for so many things, they really work on tough jobs!

  31. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)October 27, 2014 at 10:14 PM

    I would love to win because we just ran out of SOS pads and they are so versatile and can be used to clean so many things!

  32. I remember my Mom using them when i was a kid, i use to help her wash dishes. great memories!

  33. I love SOS products.I use these for cleaning so many different things!

  34. I would love to win and try this awesome SOS product because I heard a lot of great comments about it!
    Thank You for the chance

    Fiona N

  35. I would love to win. I never seem to have a scouring pad when I need one.

  36. I would LOVE to win because I have never tried any SOS products before, (this is actually the first time hearing about them!) and because I have such a hard time with my regular sponges trying to get nasty grease, and food that is stuck onto my pans. I have been looking for something like this to buy because I seriously need it! So if I could win a years worth! Oh my gosh I would be ecstatic!

  37. SOS pads work well, and I use them often. I would definitely enjoy winning this! Thanks for the chance!

  38. I would love to win because we are always using these SOS pads and they are so helpful when cleaning pots! Thanks!

  39. I want to win because this is one product I can't be without. They keep my pots and pans looking so good!

  40. I would like to win because SOS pads are great! Would love to win a year's worth to have handy.

    Les Johnson

  41. I use alot of SOS pads and would love to win this. Thank you for the opportunity

  42. I would love to win because we use these at work all the time and they get the job done!
    timothyj228 AT gmail DOT com

  43. I would like to win because I use these often for cleaning at my house.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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