Friday, October 24, 2014

Spruce Up Your Walls With 3M

Every home owner knows that tackling spruce up projects, especially those involving painting, can quickly rack up the cost or the stress. It’s very easy to save tons of money by painting your home yourself but most of us don’t know the right tools to use for patching, priming, and painting. As you may know, we are about to be first-time home owners! Very excited! But this is not a new home. It is a previously lived-in home. And that is okay. But there is some work to be done on the walls. And with Jason gone working all the time, the task falls to me. Argh!
Enter 3M Patch Plus Primer; a cost-effective and efficient way to prepare your walls for painting with an all-in-one kit that includes everything you need:
·3M’s revolutionary Patch plus primer
·Four-inch self-adhesive patch
·Putty knife
·Sanding pad. 
After your walls are prepped, painter’s tape is the perfect tool for sharper paint lines. New ScotchBlue Multi-Surface and Delicate Surface tapes now have Advanced Edge-Lock Paint Line Protector, making it easy for you to paint your walls without worrying about uneven paint lines! With the help of 3M Patch Plus Primer and Scotch Blue Painter’s Tape, every home owner can feel comfortable preparing and painting their walls for this fall without breaking the bank!

I actually can't wait to get started! Am I nuts? Hee hee. Check it all out at 3M DIY on Facebook, as well as 3M DIY on Twitter.

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