Being that June is Men’s health month let's heighten the awareness of men’s growing infertility, since over 5 million people in the US suffer from infertility. With cell phone usage at an all time high, below are crucial preventative tips and information about Belly Armor, which protects from radiation with 99.9% effectiveness.
Did you know that the safety regulations on cell phone radiation have not been altered in decades?
A frequently cited study by the Cleveland Clinic (1 of the top 5 hospitals in the US) found that: "The use of cell phones by men is associated with a decrease in semen quality. The decrease in sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology is related to the duration of exposure to cell phones."
Men (and women) can protect themselves with Belly Armor. Here is how:
·Belly Armor is a patented Radiashield technology that blocks 99.9% of everyday radiation caused by cell phones, laptops, iPads, etc.
·When using a laptop or radiation-emitting device at home, use one of Belly Armor's protective blankets as a barrier between the body and the device.
·Originally designed for pregnant and nursing women, Belly Armor has now found that 10% of their blanket sales are from men looking to protect themselves from infertility.
We got a blanket, and it is soft and cute, like a regular baby blanket, but it also has the Rediashield technology in it, to protect against radiation. We have Callan use it when he is using the iPad. Not that we have to worry about his fertility at six years old, but radiation is radiation, and it is a good thing to protect against, no matter what!
Check it all out at Belly Armor on Facebook.
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