Monday, May 12, 2014

Legends Of Oz Dorothy Doll #Giveaway

In celebration of the release of the stunning 3D animated, star-studded musical adventure Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return on May 9th, Bandai America's introduces a line of iconic fashion and singing dolls capturing the magic of this stunning feature film starring Lea Michele (of Glee fame) as Dorothy. Available at Toys R’ Us, Target and Wal-Mart stores nationwide, these beautiful dolls range in price from $14.99, $19.99 and $24.99 for the Singing Fashion Dorothy Fashion doll featuring two song clips from the movie “One Day” and “Work With Me” sung my Lea Michele.

Based on the adventure books by Roger Stanton Baum and the only authentic sequel based on the most watched movie in history The Wizard of Oz, Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return follows Dorothy (Lea Michele) who has just returned home from her first incredible journey to Oz, when she’s whisked back on a magical rainbow by her old friends the Scarecrow (Dan Aykroyd), the Lion (Jim Belushi) and the Tin Man (Kelsey Grammer) for yet another adventure. As her old friends are held captive, Dorothy enlists the help of an entirely new set of friends – Wiser the Owl (Oliver Platt), Marshal Mallow (Hugh Dancy), China Princess (Megan Hilty) and Tugg the tugboat (Patrick Stewart) – to help her find her old friends! Set to the tunes of Academy Award-­nominated singer/songwriter Bryan Adams, Legends of Oz, marks a charming, family-­friendly, long-awaited return to the Oz franchise. Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return opened May 9th. 

Callan's friend Victoria loved her Dorothy Doll! And we all plan on going to the movie this weekend! So much fun! The doll is awesome! I want one to keep for myself, hee hee!


  1. I would give to my granddaughter because she will be going to see this when she can and she would love the doll

  2. my daughter who collects dolls and love all pretty dolls like this!

  3. I'd give it to my niece. She needs new toys. :D

  4. I would give this to my daughter because she enjoys the Wizard of Oz movie.

  5. I would give it to my daughter because she loves dolls.

  6. I would give it to my niece because she likes dolls.

  7. I'd give it to my niece because she would be so thrilled to have this!

  8. I would give this to my granddaughter because she loves to brush my hair and would love to have this doll to brush her hair.

  9. I would give this to my granddaughter because she would love it.

  10. My sister! She loves Wizard of Oz and I can't even remember how many times she has been Dorothy for Halloween! She makes quilts and pillows with different fabrics she finds!

  11. I would love to win this for my daughter because she loves the original movie, and can't wait to see the new one! She would love to have the doll that goes with these classic movies!

  12. I would give it to a little girl at church. Her family is struggling financially so she doesn't get many new toys. I believe she would love this doll.

  13. I would give this to my oldest daughter - so would love her!

  14. It would be for my oldest granddaughter who is a big Wizard of Oz movie fan.

  15. I would give this doll to my granddaughter who loves Dorothy.

  16. I would give this to my granddaughter. She not only loves dolls in general but since I gave her The Wizard of Oz in her Easter basket she has come to love Dorothy.

  17. I would give this to my niece! Rita Spratlen

  18. If I were to win I would give this to my granddaughter. She loved the movie!

  19. I would give it to my granddaughter. I think she would like the Wizard of oz.

  20. I would give this doll to my granddaughter because she loves dolls!

  21. I would give this to my daughter because I think she would really like it!

  22. This would be for my granddaughter. Her birthday is coming up and I know she would love Dorothy.
    heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

  23. I would give this to my youngest granddaughter,she would love it!

  24. I would give this doll to my oldest granddaughter because she has just now learned to love the woz like me :)

  25. I would give it to my daughter because she loves The Wizard of Oz!

  26. I would give to my daughter as she loves the Wizard of Oz. (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  27. I would give this to my daughter. She would like her just because she's a cute doll, but even more since I'm sure she'll want to see the movie.

  28. I would give it to my granddaughetr. She loves woz.

  29. I would so give this to my mom for an extra late mothers day gift were from Kansas and she collects this stuff like crazy. (

  30. My kids... because I need an excuse to play with it =)

  31. I would give it to my daughter for her 5th birthday on July 20th!

  32. It would be a great present for my daughter's coming birthday, she loves dolls and she love the book

  33. I would give it to my little sister! She loves Dorthy!

  34. I would give this to my granddaughter. She absolutely LOVES the wizard of oz, and she would love to play with this

  35. I would give this to my daughter. I have such great memories of the Wizard of Oz, and would love for her to have them, too!

  36. I would give it to my granddaughter. She would love it.

  37. I would give it to my daughter! She would love it!

  38. I would give to my daughters,we love the movie,

  39. My niece would love this doll, since she's a Wizard of Oz fan!

  40. i would give this to my granddaughter

  41. I would give this to my granddaughter to introduce her to the wonderful world of Dorothy and friends.

  42. I would love to give this to my grand daughter for her birthday. I just love it.

  43. If I won this, it would be for Gramma's toy closet so everyone could enjoy the doll.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  44. I would give this doll to my friends daughter, she loves pig tails and dolls.

  45. I would keep for my granddaughters to play with when they visit! They love Wizard of Oz!

  46. I'd give it to my daughter. We just watched the original movie together. She loved the flying monkeys!

  47. I would give it to my youngest granddaughter who loves dolls and will be going to see this movie when it comes to town as shevhas never seen the original Wizard of Oz.

  48. My daughter! her birthday is coming up she would love this

  49. I would give the doll to my daughter.

  50. I would give this to my 10 year old daughter, she loves The Wizard of Oz.

  51. my daughter would love this doll

  52. My daughter would love this. We can't wait to see the movie!

  53. I would give this to my daughter she loved the movie and she wants one of these dolls..


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