Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mystery Beauty Box Giveaway

I have been wanting to do one of these in forever! So heres how it works.
I give you a small peek at what's in this box.
This is just what I gathered in the first hour putting this box together. I had since then filled half of a shoe box with goodies. 

I will continue to stuff things into the box throughout the giveaway until I can't fit anything else into the box. This will be mostly beauty products and only a few will be sample sized. I don't like messing with samples so there won't be a lot of those in this box. Of course there will be some nail polish! I mean, its me, of course there will be polish!

This is part of a Giveaway hop and there are other mystery box giveaways just waiting for you to enter. The best part? You get more entries into mine for entering theirs!!!!  If this goes well we may do this a few times a year.
I mean look at this box!!! Just imagine all the things I can stuff into it!

Be sure to keep an eye out for hints on what's in the box on FB, Twitter, and Instagram

So what are you waiting for? Enter below!!!


  1. Oh, I hope there is lipstick, and eyeshadow in the case, and maybe some make up brushes.

  2. I follow via Facebook, Twitter and GFC

  3. What a fun idea! I need new nail polish, so it's fun to think of what polishes you may include.

  4. I am hoping there is some funky colored eye shadow. I'm in the mood to try something different!

  5. I'd love to see some lotion in the box!
    With dry skin I'm always on the look out for some good lotion, especially with a scent I like.


  6. What a great idea for a giveaway. I think the mystery box is so fun!

  7. Body lotion would be nice.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. A million dollars....and some cool lip balms.

  9. Nail polishes, make-up sponges, eye shadows, lip sticks

  10. I would love to see nail polish and files.

  11. I see some cute makeup and I hope that it stayed in there!

  12. Id hope to find some clump free mascara and the latest eye shadow colors. I also want to try an eyelash curlerr, never had one.

  13. Nail polish and lip stains! Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  14. I'd love some body spray (Laura DeLuca)

  15. I big gift card to frangrance net


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