Monday, March 17, 2014

Do It Yourself PC Troubleshooting.

When you purchase a new PC, there are a few things to consider. For instance, tech support should be an important part of the package. Make sure you are getting a good, solid warrantee with a company who will respond to your requests for help immediately—whether you're phoning, texting or chatting. That, and a thorough familiarity with your owner's manual, should give you years of stress-free use with your new PC.

Once you've really started using your PC, you'll also find that—in many cases—you can fix a PC problem all by yourself without having to call on anyone for assistance. That is a powerful feeling! 

We asked a technology support firm in Utah, iTOK, for the best tips and tricks an at-home PC user can take advantage of. Here are a few you can try yourself when your PC is acting up (or worse—not acting at all):

· According to the remarkable technology experts at iTOK, a US-based tech support company, one of the simplest and most effective troubleshooting tricks is to simply disconnect and then reconnect a troublesome part that isn't working. For example, if a USB device is not working properly, don't shake it, hit it, or swear at it; just unplug it, wait ten seconds, and then securely plug it back in. This could be all that's needed to get your mouse or keyboard running properly again.

· They also recommend checking all power switches and connections on a regular basis. It's surprising how often a switch is turned off by accident, or a cord is loosened by an inadvertent bump. It sounds too simple to be true, but just think back to the many times you have found a switch off or a connection loose around the house!

· There can sometimes be some irritating hiccups when you run Windows on your PC. But Windows is actually quite good at fixing itself—if you have the patience and confidence to essentially leave it alone. In other words, reboot! Just restart the computer whenever you experience a Windows glitch, and nine times out of ten, that will fix it. How? When you restart your computer, it dumps some data which might be causing the problem, and it often runs auto-updates which could fix what's ailing you.

· It's also not a bad idea to do an occasional reboot with all of your Internet devices, whether tablet or smartphone. iTOK suggests that you let all of your cyber stuff completely shut down at least once a week. (Bonus tip: letting the power run out of your devices once a week is also good for your battery life!)

· Do you know where your router is located? Do you know how to turn it off and then back on? You really should possess that knowledge, as it will save you a ton of time whenever you lose your Internet connection. If your router is an older model without an on-and-off switch, don't worry; just unplug it for 30 or 40 seconds, then plug it back in. In many instances, this will restore your Internet connection in the twinkling of an eye.

· Last, but not least: remember that many PCs have a sliding power switch on the side. It is incredibly easy to inadvertently slide that switch to the OFF position without realizing it. So, the next time your PC is not responding, make sure you check that little rascal!

Of course, if none of the above solves your PC problems, it is time to call in a qualified technician, like the ones at iTOK. But at least you can tell him or her that you've already taken these common sense steps, and they'll help you find the solution that much faster!

Try these at-home PC tricks today, and watch your PC problems disappear. 

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