Thursday, December 6, 2012 Second Honeymoon Contest #2 is giving away a Second Honeymoon! To enter each contest, the contestant will start by entering their email address here. They will then be automatically redirected to the contest app on the Facebook page, which will explain the details of entering and provide them with the entry submission form. The prize for the winner of each contest is a Second Honeymoon Trip to the destination of their choice (up to $3,000). Contestants are welcome to enter all four contests, but of course can only win once. However, all contestants (those who actually enter a submission into the contest) will receive a $5 site voucher just for participating in each contest, so that’s a $5 voucher for each contest that they participate in.

Pin it to Win it: Dec. 6 – Dec. 13th
Contestants create a Pinterest board title “ Honeymoon Contest”, Repin our contest pin to the board and then fill it with pins that represent their ideal honeymoon. They will also need to copy the url of their board and paste it within the submission form. The best board will win the trip.


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