Friday, September 7, 2012

Blackout EZ Window Covers

Blackout EZ Window Covers is a company focused on delivering restful sleep in complete darkness. They offer an effective window blackout product that keeps 100% of sunlight out of a room for sleeping during the daylight hours. The blackout window covers come in pre-cut or custom sizes in different color combinations of white or black. Blacked out windows are perfect for the day sleeper and will improve your sleep and your health. The blackout window treatments are cost-effective and easy to install. They can be removed and re-applied as many times as needed. A simple adhesive remover can clean off your windows in the case of moving or relocating to another home. These window covers are a great choice for a variety of situations, including: night shift workers, parents of small children, movie enthusiasts, homeowners looking for energy efficient window covers to reduce heating and cooling costs, and more.

Jason and I both like a pitch black room at night, and there is a street light right outside our bedroom window, so the blackout covers are perfect for us! I have not slept this good in a long time! Ahhhhh.
I received a product from Blackout EZ Window Covers in exchange for a review on my blog. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. I totally need this for travelling with the baby. Thanks for posting!


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