Saturday, July 14, 2012

5 Amazing Shopping Apps

Thanks to the ever-growing array of online shopping websites and apps, we no longer have to battle out the high street, dense with vigorous shoppers frantic to get their hands on the latest sale items. Now you can do all your shopping from the comfort, warmth and safety of your own home, or wherever you just happen to be. As we are on the brink of what can only be described as the smart phone revolution, there seems to be an app for just about everything, and shopping is no different. The following five offer useful and unique shortcuts to your shopping, making sure you can still shop – but without pushing through the Saturday crowds;

1. Barcode Hero is a revolutionary app that allows you to compare prices by scanning the barcode using your phone. This is a great way to become market savvy, seek out competitors and compare prices to get you the best prices. Barcode Hero creates a more confident consumer, it’s more of a community-orientated app based on a point system. The more users share, the more points they get, encouraging activity and interaction.

2. Goodzer also functions with the motive to compare prices however goes one step further in ensuring you get the product you need, at the price you want, as soon as you want. It’s all very well finding out that you can get a better price elsewhere, but where and when are the important impending questions. With Goodzer you are informed of where to get your desired product at your earliest convenience.

3. Coffee lovers will absolutely adore the Starbucks app, allowing you to locate your nearest Starbucks wherever you are. What makes it such a success is the way it enables you to customize your drink however much you want, as well displaying nutritional information!

4. More and more high street shops are turning their attention and focus to the trend surrounding apps, like Zara. Zara’s app allows you to see new collections and arrivals as well as sales items, with sections ranging from men, women, kids and the young.

5. Love saving money? You’ll love Coupon Sherpa, hosting loads of fantastic deals and offers saving you money with such brands such as Amazon, Dell, Gap and Footlocker. You can also navigate your nearest store, narrowing your results down to the most useful and relevant.

Elle works for CS Bedford, and Lomito making sure every customer enjoys shopping!

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