Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Madagascar Movie Party

I got the chance over the weekend to invite some friends and their kiddos over for a Madagascar Movie Party! Thanks to the amazing folks over at MomSelect and Children’s Claritin we were sent a movie package that included both Madagascar 1 & 2 on DVD, Popcorn containers, Madagascar 3 stickers and Children’s Claritin samples.

The new Madagascar movie - Europe’s Most Wanted will premiere in theaters nationwide on June 8th, so this movie party was great timing to refresh the kiddos and parents on the storyline and characters with the first two movies. Some of us are getting together to go see Madagascar 3 in the theater together, too! Fun! We ate Madagascar Munch Mix (trail mix basically) and everyone got their own container full of popcorn, just like at the theater. After the kids giggled and squealed and made it through two movies, we all got to have some ice cream, and just visit. It was a ton of fun!

Both Madagascar 1 & 2 DVD's are available in stores. Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted will open everywhere in theaters June 8th, 2012.

For some fun activities of your own visit MadagascarMovie.com, as well as Claritin's Madagascar 3 Facebook page.
I am a Claritin Mom’s Crew member and I received the above mentioned products as part of my collaboration, any opinions expressed are my own.

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