After a long, hard winter, the first signs of spring are beginning to sprout across the country, and winter-weary homeowners are not the only ones excited. These tender young shoots and blooms are a tasty snack for the neighborhood deer population. Now is the time to nip that deer snacking habit in the bud with Sweeney’s Deer Repellent. A single application of the deer repellent this spring can protect new growth and existing plants for an entire growing season.
“Sweeney’s Deer Repellent is a scent-based repellent made of 100 percent dried blood. While not offensive to humans, the odor triggers an “danger” response in deer, which causes them to leave the area,” says Stew Clark, Sweeney’s Director of Research and Development. “Better yet, the ingredient is non-toxic and safe to use in any garden and around children and pets. The scent released continually, all-season long with no reapplication needed.”
Sweeney’s Deer Repellent is packaged in a patented, weather-proof container that is specially designed to allow the scent to escape but keep rain and other elements at bay. Homeowners simply stake the containers in the ground or hang them in shrubs four to eight feet apart throughout the desired protection area. There’s no messy mixing, spraying or reapplication necessary.
In recent years, there have been two basic kinds of deer repellents - liquid sprays that are applied directly to the plants foliage or granules that can be spread around the base of the plant or shrub. However, since both liquid and granular applications are exposed to the elements, their effectiveness is measured, at best, in weeks. Rain can very quickly wash the repellent off of the plant’s leaves or dissolve it into the ground. Throughout the course of a normal growing season, numerous applications are required and just one missed application can leave a garden open to deer invasions. In addition, liquid repellents tend to smell terrible. The odor can be so bad that, for several hours, homeowners cannot enjoy sitting outdoors.
These benefits have made Sweeney’s Deer Repellent an attractive solution for deer-dogged homeowners, landscapers and professional grounds crews across the country. Because no reapplication is needed, the repellent is also an economical option, costing less over a season than most traditional repellant options.
Consumers with deer repellent questions are invited to call the Sweeney’s hotline at 866-738-7920 for personalized assistance in solving deer dilemmas or visit or for more information.

Thanks for sharing a great way to repel deer from your garden!