Once upon a time there was a graceful mouseling ballerina who loved to dance, and put on magical performances with her friends. Her royal mouse-ness is back doing what she does best – charming and entertaining aspiring young dancers – in Angelina Ballerina: Ballerina Princess, a new, five-episode collection on DVD, Digital Download and On Demand March 6, 2012 from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. Leap into the fun as everyone’s favorite dancing mouseling tracks a mysterious tutu, learns that every role is important, uses creativity and dance to tell a story and more!
About DVD:
Join Angelina Ballerina and her friends for enchanting adventures filled with princesses, princes, kings and queens. Dancing their way through Chipping Cheddar, Angelina encounters a bad fairy, uncovers a Cinderella-like mystery, treats the king and queen to a regal performance and brings an epic tale to life on stage! With secrets, spells, dance and celebrations, it’s a royally good time for all!
· “Angelina’s Big Part”
· “Angelina and Polly’s Two Hour Show”
· “Angelina’s Fancy Tutu”
· “Angelina and the Carnival”
· “Angelina’s Indian Lunchtime”
This is a super cute DVD. We've watched Angelina Ballerina on TV before, and Callan seemed to like it, even though it was a "girl" show. So we gave the DVD a try, and he enjoyed, and so did I. It is really cute!
One lucky reader will win a copy of this DVD. Here's how:
1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
2. "Like" Angelina Ballerina on Facebook.
3. Follow Angelina Ballerina on Twitter.
4. Promote this giveaway.
Giveaway ends March 14th. US only. Good luck!
I received a complimentary review copy of this DVD from Andrea Blain PR and Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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