Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1: Face At A Time

Mirza Minds; a design and marketing firm is launching the 1: Face watch, the mission statement reads “Changing the world 1:Face at a time.” - a campaign whose purpose is to raise money and awareness of world-wide issues encouraging consumers to make a difference.

With the 1: Face mission statement speaking for itself, Mirza Minds hopes to inspire the average consumer to change the way they think about purchasing products. “Our mission statement is so much bigger than the brand,” said Faraz A. Mirza, Creative Director. “Our goal was to design an affordable & trendy product that would benefit the world.” A component of the agency’s effort to raise awareness is the 1: Face wrist-watch, a self-branded watch which will be unveiled at the end of March. Retailing at 24.99, 1: Face features a sleek innovate design, a silicone band, an LED screen and reflective mirror screen. Available in five colors; white for poverty, black for cancer, pink for breast cancer, blue for earth hour, maroon for aids; 1: Face is designed to remind users that they contributed to changing the world every time they check the time.

Once launched, about 10,000 watches are expected to be moved in the first three months. Majority of the proceeds obtained from sales will go directly towards non-profit organizations such as UNICEF, American Cancer Association, and the World Wildlife Fund.

1 comment:

  1. Buying one for my son! when is launch/??


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