Friday, December 2, 2011


I have always been the type of person who needs ambient sound to sleep. If it is too quiet, I can't sleep. So when I got the Sound+Sleep machine, I fell in love, and I have had the best sleep I have had in ages!

Designed with help from customers, beta testers, and sleep and sleep disorder consultants, Sound+Sleep was masterfully engineered with unique features to help you relax and sleep more quickly.

Adaptive Sound Demo:
Adaptive Sound technology is a patented method of automatically adapting audio playback based on the unique ambient and acoustical characteristics of one’s environment.

Sound Profiles:
Sweet dreams have never sounded better. 10 naturally recorded high-definition SoundStories.

Check out Sound+Sleep on Facebook, and learn more about this awesome sleep helper!

I received a product from Sound+Sleep and Strong PR. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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