Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Miracle

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11 years ago this month my little Sister died of AIDS. It broke my heart. I was due to have a baby any day and I remember thinking “I’ll never get this baby out....I’m just to exhausted.” On top of that we were at our lowest point financially, than we had ever been. There would be no Christmas gifts on Christmas morning this year. My heart broke even deeper. How do you tell a 5 year old and a 2 1/2 old that they will be getting no gifts? I really didn’t have to say anything, the empty space under the tree said it all.

Then God gave us a most fantastic Christmas Miracle!

With my heart torn apart from the heartaches of this world, I knelt before my God. I cried out with all my heart to Him, the one who knows me like no other. And as always His spirit mingled with mine and I was reminded that Christmas was about the birth of a Savior....the One who had come from heaven....not to condemn the world but to save it. This would be the year we would, as a family, learn what it meant to give more than receive.

I had decided with Christmas just a few days away that we would have a birthday party for Jesus. The kids loved parties. We could play games, bake cookies or a cake, sing songs and thank the Father for the gift of His son! I began by getting my kids all excited about this party....letting them know how God would be so happy that we would throw a party for his one and only Son. We talked all about the Christmas story and the kids made tons of pictures and creations to give as gifts to Jesus on Christmas morning!

That very next afternoon I heard a knocking at the front door. I didn’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone. I was just too big, pregnant, grieving and numb. I waddled my way to the door and opened it to find a delivery guy from Albertsons standing on my front porch. “Is this the --- residence?” I said “Yes”. He told me he had a delivery for us and could he please bring it in. I was so puzzled....I hadn’t ordered any groceries for sure.

I asked him if he could please just leave the groceries on the porch. ”I don’t think I should, there are quite a few bags.” Believe it or not I kept telling him to leave the few bags on the porch and he kept saying. ”I really should help bring these in....there are quite a few.” Never in my wildest imagination would I have guessed how many groceries he would bring into my house!

Bag after bag....the groceries kept coming!

There was everything in those bags that our family could have ever needed to last several months!! My husband and I estimated that there was probably about $600 or more worth of food! As you can imagine…I cried and cried and cried. Thank you God for loving us so much!

But that’s not the end of the story…Christmas morning we got up and somehow one of us looked out the window and noticed that our car was packed - YES packed -  full of Christmas presents! Needless to say....more crying....LOL.

We gave to God all that we had, but His intention was to give to us ALL that HE had and more!

Every single year we remember this story and God’s great love for us. It was the biggest Birthday Party Bash EVER! We cry and are blessed. I hope that you will be blessed too because God loves you just as much!

Oh and our little baby ended up being born a little was the best and easiest birth I had ever had and I know this was a special gift also from my Lord. He loves us so!

Share your Christmas Miracle or Retweet or even Like or all....LOL…so that others may have hope in a God that loves them also!

Read more from Shari Lynne at her blog: Faith Filled Food For Moms And Grandmothers.

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