Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Forbidden Secrets Of The Goody Box

The Forbidden Secrets Of The Goody Box by Valerie J. Lewis Coleman

About The Book:
What your father didn't tell you and your mother didn't know. Successful. Beautiful. Intelligent. Yet a satisfying relationship eludes Debra Hampton. At thirty-five years old, she can't figure out why her philosophy on men-and what they want from women isn't working. She's trapped in a cycle of shattered relationships, until a friend refers her to a relationship guru. After some resistance, Debra finds refuge in the counsel of Doc Reid as he helps her navigate through the storms of rejection and failed love. Once he reveals the error of her ways, will Debra master the forbidden secrets to attract her soul mate or continue to keep love at bay? Christopher "Doc" Reid - as he has been nicknamed by friends and clients - has analyzed the mechanics of relationships for almost twenty years. Not a medical doctor, his God-given insight makes one believe that he has a Ph.D in matters of the heart: a relationship cardiologist. ChristopherReid.org.

My Thoughts:
This is a fiction book that makes some valid points and advice that you can utilize in "real life". I don't need any advice on how to score the Mr. Right-For-Me, because I have found mine. But a lot of women haven't, and some of these women really just don't "get it". This book will open their eyes and make them see the light. A good book to give to a young single woman you may know, or even a recent divorcee. Good story, great advice!

About The Author:
The bestselling author of Blended Families An Anthology, Valerie J. Lewis Coleman has helped thousands of families navigate the challenges of child support, visitation, discipline and more. With over twenty years of experience in family and relationships, she has given advice on varying issues including baby-momma drama, defiant children and disapproving in-laws. On her journey to assist others with building strong families, she shares her testimony and provides practical tools to help you stop the stepfamily madness in your home! Valerie has helped women find relational fulfillment by identifying the four types of male hunters, avoiding seventy percent of men who only want the goody box and winning the heart of Mr. Right-For-You. She explains how she overcame struggles and offers proven techniques to help you get off the crazy cycle of relational demise in her novel The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box! As a bestselling author and award-winning publisher, Valerie has helped aspiring authors from across the world navigate the challenges of self-publishing. With over ten years of experience in the book business, this expert divulges industry secrets on avoiding the top five mistakes made by new authors, pricing your book to sell and identifying dishonest publishers. Her dynamic presentation and knowledge of the business takes writers from pen to paper to published as they master self-publishing to make money! To learn more about Valerie, her books and succeeding as a self-published author, visit ValerieJLColeman.com, PenOfTheWrier.com and QueenVPublishing.net.

Buy this book on the author's website.

I received a complimentary review of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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