Monday, November 7, 2011

5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter *Giveaway*

5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter by Vicki Courtney

About The Book:
From the cradle to college, tell your daughters the truth about life before they believe the culture’s lies. For mothers with girls newborn to eighteen, Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter is simply a must-have book. Youth culture commentator Vicki Courtney helps moms pinpoint and prepare the discussions that should be ongoing in their daughters' formative years. To fully address the dynamic social and spiritual issues and influencers at hand, several chapters are written for each of the conversations, which are:
1. You are more than the sum of your parts
2. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up
3. Sex is great and worth the wait
4. It’s OK to dream about marriage and motherhood
5. Girls gone wild are a dime a dozen - dare to be virtuous

My Thoughts:
I don't have a daughter, but I imagine in these times it would be hard to raise one! I have four nieces though, and I have that mama bear feeling towards them and want to protect them. So this book was very insightful, and I have passed it along to my brother and my sisters who are the parents of girls. The book is set up so the parent can read a little at a time and not get inundated with a ton of advice and information and get overwhelmed. I like the quotes in the books, and some of the personal stories. This is an excellent read for parents of girls!

About The Author:
Vicki Courtney is an author and speaker with a ministry that reaches over 150,000 girls and mothers a year through speaking, books, and online resources. A mother herself to three children (one teen and two grown), she seeks to provide both teens and their parents with the tools necessary to navigate today's promiscuous culture. She has done hundreds of radio and newspaper interviews and appeared on CNN, Fox News, and CNN Headline News to discuss issues impacting teens. She is the creator of, an online magazine for teen girls, which has attracted visitors from all 50 states and over 30 countries. She is a national speaker to women of all ages and the best-selling author of numerous books including, "5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter,"(winner of a Mom's Choice award); "Your Girl;" "Your Boy;" and the best-selling "TeenVirtue" magabook series for teen girls and the "Between" magabook series for tween girls. "TeenVirtue" and "TeenVirtue Confidential" are ECPA Christian Book Award recipients in the Children and Youth category.

Buy this book on Amazon.

Want to win a copy of this book? Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
4. Promote this giveaway on your own blog, share the link.
5. Promote this giveaway.

Giveaway ends November 14th. US only, sorry. Good luck!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from PR By The Book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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